Will post some photos of us at our next BE @ Hendersyde in August
www.thebobblehat.co.uk or on Facebook ‘The Bobble Hat Shop’
I set up this blog up back in 2014 to share stories of my equestrian trials and tribulations. I had just started to event for the first time ever after a 10 year break from horses and wanted to document my journey for friends and family.
In that time I have achieved so much but still have so much further to go.
I have been supported and sponsored by some fantastic friends, trainers and businesses in this time and I have a new dedicated section of the site to tell you more about them all.
I am super excited for my new XC silk to arrive, I have loved these pom pom hats since seeing people wearing them while at Blair last year and now it turns out you can get them for XC! Just what Corks and I need to stand out while flying round the course. Even better, the pom pom can be changed as it’s attached by a removable press stud so we can mix and match our colours! Might get a pink bobble for Bella :-)
Will post some photos of us at our next BE @ Hendersyde in August www.thebobblehat.co.uk or on Facebook ‘The Bobble Hat Shop’
After some real progress with our dressage over the last two weeks I was very excited about the Central Scotland Horse Trials this weekend. And it's only a 20 minute drive from our yard!
I walked the XC on Friday night and apart from a couple of tricky lines, it looked like it would ride really well and was perhaps a little easier than the April course. I lunged to warm up again and then headed down to the lower lawn for our test. It was lovely and quiet with no distractions. We had 15 mins until our test, C was really listening, taking the contact and felt good. I thought our test went great, we even managed a trot to canter transition without corky throwing his head in the air - real progress lol! I finished feeling over the moon, finally progress - unfortunately the judge didn't agree as we got a 40 :-( I have since watched my test back and am still pleased with our progress so am not going to worry about the score too much. Onto the show jumping, we were late to warm up so I started to stress, fortunately Olivia was there so helped us pop a few practice jumps and in we went. Overall a nice round, took 2 poles as I chased a little but the round felt in control and Corky has started to change his canter lead himself which is great. Finally the XC - I think it was one of our smoothest rounds this season, he made the course feel easy and listened the whole way round, pushing on and coming back when I asked. Finished feeling great. Not our best overall score of the season but our best event I think. Helen brought some empire biscuits so Corky was very happy! Lee and I headed back today to jump judge, great to volunteer at such a lovely event. I'm hoping to try to squeeze 3 more events in before the end of the season which is mid September before I head off to America and Corky has a well deserved break. Well the wee man has picked up 3 frillies in the last 2 weeks after a bit of a dry spell…..two in dressage would you believe?!?
We picked up a 5th for our prelim test at the Wednesday night Scottish Dressage Group comp, a 2nd in the 95cm SJ at SNEC and a 2nd in our prelim yesterday at SNEC – also our first time in the 60x20 arena! This does all sound very good but to be honest, we still have the same contact issues in the dressage and went onto knock 3 poles in the next SJ class we did! Things are improving in some areas - more accurate and obedient in the dressage and an improvement in our SJ canter but lots still to work on! We have back to back eventing weekends coming up at Eglinton and then Dalkieth to look forward too. The one weekend off and then Hendersyde which might end up being our last event of the season due to Weddings, holidays and a SJing trip up to Blair. In other exciting news my lovely new lorry Bluebell will be arriving in 2 weeks so our blog will be spiced up with some storied of competing 2 horses as we’ll have room to bring Lucas to the parties now! After a year off from riding and another year off from competing after his injury, it could prove for some interesting trips! |
AuthorLouise Doherty
December 2017
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