On Sunday I managed to arrive early, walk the course, chat to friends, oil hoofs, brush out mane and tail......and then almost missed my class! I'm not sure what was going on with my time keeping as I am normally super organised. It meant we only had time for a 5 min warn up so took unfortunately fences in both the SJ and XC phase. Corky was very brave and jumped everything though including the world's skinniest skinny which was causing problems for some of the more experienced horses. One to put down to experience and not dwell on as I know if I had a proper warm up and wasn't rushing it would have gone better.
We only have one arena eventing left before the season starts - it's in March and is out at the Royal Highland Showground which should be exciting. Then it's onto XC schooling, a few HTs then the eventing season starts - woohoo!