It had given me the opportunity to concentrate on Lucas which has had mixed results. Our show jumping seems to have gone to pot (which is the bit we are meant to be good at!) however our flatwork is actually improving. Lucas has naturally fabulous paces but is usually trying so hard not to work that he spoils things. It sounds strange but I am jealous of his ability on Corky's behalf as Corky tries so hard but will never float like like Lucas does when he isn't even trying! It leaves me thinking, would you rather have a horse who always tries his best for you but will never be a world beater or a natural talent who is quirky and unpredictable?!
I think my answer is that as an amateur it's the former and as a professional the latter??
Either way, I am lucky enough to have both and will keep trying to get the best out of them as hard as it is at times.
Plans this year for Lucas are to sort out all the contact issues and get him in front of my leg and actually manage to ride him than be a passenger! Competition aims are to qualify for the National Amateur Champs down at Aintree later in the year and to continue to work on our flatwork at home taking him to unaffected dressage at novice and elementary by the end of the year with the hopes of joining BD next year.
Corky will hopefully get out eventing at BE90 again and move up to BE100 if I ever get my brace pants on! We are both happy at BE90 and will be a strong combination if we can sort out the dressage on grass so that's the number one aim rather than going up a class. With that in mind we will also be back out BD aiming to qualify for summer regionals at prelim and PetPlan at novice.
As we all know too well making plans with horses is pointless at times but I think there is no harm in setting goals to keep you motivated!
I'm embracing the jumping this weekend with Lucas by attending a training clinic with David Gatherer on Saturday and then hopefully using what we have learnt at the BS at Howe on Sunday. Fingers crossed it goes better than the last time we jumped! Update will follow on Instagram and Facebook!